Find Food Harmony Both Inside and Outside Yourself
I talk a lot about ‘Finding the Middle Way’ with our food. But what do I actually mean by this? What I mean is staying
What To Do In A Food Binge
When people hear about my work facilitating the release of negative over-eating and dieting cycles, I’m often asked this: ‘What’s my first suggestion for someone
The Power of Surrender
This blog is about surrender. This is not necessarily a popular topic in this society/during these times. I believe that the more typically ‘masculine’ qualities
Finding Our Own Food “Middle Way”
I believe that the Buddha had an issue with food. In his attempt to become enlightened, legend has it that he fasted for 40 days
Creating the Nourishment We Need Through Conscious Breathing
One thing I discovered through my journey of recovering health, joy and freedom around food is how deeply connected eating is with breathing. My food
Improve Your Relationship With Food Tenfold in Just One Month
Today and over the next month, I’m creating a series of four weekly blogs to serve you in ten-times-ing the amount of awareness, self-care, and