Food Blisspoints
I came across this article about food ‘Bliss-points’ recently, which really reconfirmed this to me. Here’s an extract: “The bliss point is an industry reference
What is Balance in Recovery from Food Issues?
As someone who specialises in therapy for treating overeating, I’ve found myself between two camps: those who believe that it’s important to give the message
To Our Inner Critics: Now Is The Time To Relax
In my last blog I promised to return to one of the single KEY issues in recovery from food obsession and obesity: the inner critic.
Where Is My Willpower When I Need It?
Now is the time of year when people typically become discouraged with their new years resolutions, feeling that their willpower simply didn’t show up to
Awareness and kindness are the keys that unlock our success
So… we decide we are ready to initiate change and let go of our addictive habit – be in bingeing on chocolate late at night,
Are all Parts Welcome?
There was one big mistake I made when I realised I was addicted to sugar and overeating, and I first tried starting to stop. I